Yes I'm still alive.
11 months of sleep deprivation still going on - but I'm alive.
Every time we get close to getting Z to sleep more than 3 hours at a time - something happens and we get set back. I can count on my hands the # of times in the last 11 months that I've slept more than 3 hours at a time. *SIGH*.
You know I think the universe has a sense of humor. EVERY time I say "I will never do x." or "I would never do y" - *cough* you guessed it. I find myself there.
I used to tell myself that I wouldn't be one of those people that stopped posting when they had a kid - uhh yeah. Hello - last entry was in JUNE? *laugh*
I used to tell myself that I wouldn't use the kid as an excuse to not get to the gym. I told myself "You just have to decide to do it". Well that's still true. You DO have to just do it, make it a priority and work everything else around it. However I have much more EMPATHY for mom's now.
There is no vacation for me. No sick days, no time off. I'm on deck 24/7. I'm so sleep deprived my immune system is shot. I've regained a shit load of weight which I'm soo not proud of, and still somewhat in denial about. :/
5:30 am comes really early when you've been up every 2 hours (or worse every hour).
I keep telling msyelf that I just HAVE to do it.. but the summer has come and gone and we're heading into the dead of winter. I'm struggling BIG time with SAD and i can't get t othe tanning salon like I used to - you guessed it... because of the kid.
So I'm ordering a light lamp. I'm hoping that will help some. Z has started sleeping a bit more last week and this weekend.. I'm feeling some energy come back.
WOOT. Unfortunately we're going to Florida on the 8th (until the 17th). I'm praying that it doesn't set us back like other trips have... God please... I need a break :(
Well - no rest for the wicked. Someone has a poopy diaper :/
Here are some pics:

I made his dragon costume :)