all that and I forgot to mention that I'm waiting on MRI results - been ahving vertigo spells & doc wants to rule out tumors.
No word yet so I'm guessing all the hamsters are running fine in there.
also - I had shoulder surgery done - shoulder is FINALLy healing up - YAYYYYYY I still ahve bad days where my neck & muscle tense up but my range of motion is MUCH better. I had a bone spur, bursitus, along with the cyst. The MRI mayo did didn't show any signs of the spur or the bursitus. No wonder I was in pain!
Oh, Jael! He is freakin' adorable!! I tried to comment on that post but blogger wouldn't let me. You look hot too, you can pull off sleep deprived! lol
I'll be thinking about you and your health. *hugs* *hugs*
Doctors don't know crap sometimes. Hate that. Let's definitely hook up when you are down here. Email me and let me know where you are going to be.
It's been awhile since you've updated. I hope we get to see some more cute pictures of your little one soon.
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