Friday, February 24, 2006

Holly - Pics of Zach :)

More pics of Zach

31 years old today and Zach is 8 weeks

Wow - am I really that old? And ... wow has it been 2 months since I pushed this (not so) little guy out of me??

Zach had his 2 month appointment the other day - he weighs 13 lbs 12.3 oz. He's now 23.4" long and his head circumverence is 15.75"

I can't believe how much he's grown. Some of his 0-3 month stuff doesn't fit anymore. I had to pack away the newborn stuff weeks ago.

It just amazes me that he is mine... I look down at him and it still hits me... I"m not just babysitting - this is MY child. I did it! I had a baby! This is MY baby!

In the last few weeks Zach has become more and more socially interactive. He breaks out in gummy smiles and coo's when he sees his mom or his dad. He's learning to communicated with different types of crys. We don't always get it right but it's truly amazing to see how fast he is learning (and us too!).

His hungry and 'dirty diaper' cries are somewhat similar... but we always know it's a dirty diaper when he calms down after we ask him "Do you want your diaper changed?" and start walking towards the changing table. I was floored when I first realized that. I told TIm and he didn't quite believe me until he witnessed it himself. He has a "I'm bored" or "Come pay attention to me" cry too.

He's enjoying his toys more... smiling and cooing at them, and batting at them with his arms and legs.

I try to spend 15-20 minutes with him in sessions throughout the day 'speaking' with him - smiling, making faces, playing with toys until he starts getting overstimulated. I found it hard at first to just let him play on his own, or sit in his bouncy seat or swing... like I was neglecting him, but he does seem to reach a point where he just wants 'quiet' - so I leave him be but stay a few feet away so he can see me still.

He's started a new thing of fighting sleep - singing to him and rocking him usually helps him fall asleep but his naps are getting shorter and shorter. That's okay though because he's sleeping more through the night!

I'm 31 and I have a child... it just amazes me!