WOW Time flys huh?

I keep saying to myself I need to get over here and update....but time flys by and then I realize - it's been another 8 weeks since I last updated... (bad me!)
Life is going well for the most part. Parenthood continues to be an adjustment for both of us, but for as many moments of tears and frustration and wondering if we're doing the right thing... there are so many more moments of joy and happiness. Moments where Zach sees us and he smiles one of his uber cute smiles, or you pick him up and he wraps his arms aroundyou and buries his face into your neck.... and your heart just MELTS. The love in your heart just blossoms.
Tim and I have had some struggles with our relationship, having a baby literally does change everything. We're both tired and sleep deprived to boot... so we erupt into fights much more easily these days. Yet we both *know* it's because we're tired and sleep deprived, so we quickly make up. Funny but we snuggle less, I think because we snuggle Zach so MUCH. That and most nights consist of one us sleeping with Zach either in his room, or Zach in bed with me (naughty me I know... I was scared of it at first but necessity drew me to it - it's so much easier to move Z from cosleeper to breast and not have to get up. He's been doing okay with sleeping so long as 1) he's upright in his swing or carseat. OR 2) he doesn't get moved after nursing at night.
We've been battling reflux issues for a while now and it's gotten to the point where he just SCREAMS in obvious pain whenever we move him to lay him down after nursing. And no it's not just his crib that he screams at. If say for instance I nurse him out in the living rooma nd then move him to go lay down in the bedroom - he will stir & start screaming then too, arching his back. Then it takes a long time to get him settled down again.
We've got some Zantac for him now, although he HATES the taste of it. I know I"m evil but I laughed my butt off when we gave it to him the first time, the faces he made were hilarious! (well to us at least, I'm sure he didnt find the mint crap from hell as hilarious as we did!).
My parents were here for a 2 week visit. It was actually a really nice visit. I was even sad to see them go...usually by that point 2 weeks with any guests and you're ready to say "okay see ya later"... especially when one of those guests has a strong personality like my mom... and my dad...though I love him dearly has been on an anti-war kick lately. Which while I agree with him for the most part... it does get a bit tiresome after a while. Especially when your husband gets defensive about his choice to live in a nation with a war mongering president.
Anyhow - here are some pics from Easter: