Its a....?
Boy... we think.
The little bugger definitely has our genes - Bean was super stubborn and would not BUDGE. Not one bit. Not with poking an prodding, not with me shifting positions, and the 20 oz of diet coke I had before the ultrasound - ZIP.
Anyhow the most important thing is that everything looked great. 10 fingers 10 toes, 4 chambered heart, 3 vessel cord, two brain hemispheres (lol the tech was suprised when I blurted out - oh look you can see the two hemispheres!) lol she was impressed when I knew how many vessels the cord was supposed to have too! (too much knowledge for my own good I think!).
She managed to get a peek at the 'goods' but it wasn't a 100% perfect view. She said she was 'pretty sure' it was a boy. It sure looked like the 'turtle shell' to me (and not a hamburger) it was tough to know though, the umbilical cord was between his legs. DH looked at the tech and me like we were aliens, he even said "how the heck do you know - that doesn't look like anything to me!" *laugh*
I've been leaning more towards a boy now for a while. All of the dreams I've had of the baby - he was a boy. And I just seem to subconciously use he/him when referring to the 'Bean'.
DH on theother hand is still undecided, he'll need further ultrasounds for 'convincing'. Which given my GD - that won't be an issue. I'm sure there will be more ultrasounds from here on out.
I was 231 lbs this morning. That would be a total of 4 lbs gained overall (if you start counting from 227 - the docs start counting from 230 since that was the weight I was on my first appointment).
Not much else to say at this time. I'm working on a baby webpage :)
Here's the latest 'Bean pic':