Getting some exercising in
yay! *pat on back*
Mostly just some extra jiving around the house to music - but it all helps. The more I move this pudgey butt the less likely it is to get MONDO pudgey.
blood sugars are still a bit up. I had a blood draw done this morning. Do you *know* how hard it is to get up at 3:30 in the morning and get dressed (and sitll get out the door at 4:30 fully clothed with matching socks?). :P 3 hour drive with nothing but black coffee was no minor feat either, especially in the pouring down rain. Mind you the few hydroplaning incidents woke me up PRONTO. So it's all good.
I meet with my endocrinologist today to go over the blood #'s from this morning, as well as schedule an appt with the diabetic education nurse so she can teach me how to 'shoot up' (insulin).
I've got a list of docs printed out in OB. I'll get my endo to refer me to one. Even though it's 3 hours away from home, we're moving soon. And 3 hours from home but 5 minutes from the office seems slightly easier than driving in the opposite direction from home - 1 hour away. Yes folks. Those are my choices. Either I see a regular practioner for a few months in the town where we are currently stranded, uh I mean living.... or I get an OB 1 hour in one direction (4 hours from work, and 5+ hours frm where we're moving), or I get one 3 hours from home but 10 mins from work.
I choose the later. AT least if I have to I can work in the office - pop over to the clinic for any appointments, and pop back at work, staying at a hotel overnight if I need to. If I go to the clinic that is closer than I pretty much ahve to take a half day off of work every time I have an appointment, because it's 1 and bit hour there, then the appt, then 1 hour and a bit back.
Or I could risk seeing a regular practitioner in bodunk asscrack of civilization. Now I'm not prejudiced against small town docs, but so far I haven't been overly impressed with the quality of care in the place that we're living (which is why I continued to see my doctors 3 hours away rather than switching to someone closer when I moved in with hubby). Given that I'm already going into 'high risk' - I think i'd rather just stick with an OB - and run to urgent care in 'bodunk' when/if I ever have to.
Wow I never really thought I'd have to be making these decisions... I guess I never really got further than thinking about the whole "GET pregnant" part - not what I had to do once I actually GOT pregnant. Dealt with what I could at the time I guess ;) *laugh*
Anyhow - gotta run to my appt now. I'll be doing yoga in the hotel room tonight since it's still raining cats and dogs.
OH! And I've come down with a lovely cold *cough* *sniffle*. yay!
grrr, mim is down. glad things are still going well. shake that booty! and awesome for a baby with dual citizenship!
I am SO happy for you! It seems like a lot of work, but I have never heard you this happy before! :) My sister had a cold for the 1st 3 months of her pregnancy! (you can see her pic on my my journal!) Dr. said it is normal! Hopefully yours will go away! YAY!!! **HUGS*** I am just so happy for you! :)
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