Goals Changing
- obviously. Focus is no longer on weightloss but a controlled gain. Major focus on eating healthy and exercise to help control gestational diabetes ( which has started already ).
I was totally shocked at how quickly my blood sugars deteriorated. I mean I've had excellent control for 2.5 years, 1 year of that with diet and exercise alone. My endocrinologist had prepared me for the possibility that I would get gestational diabetes when/if I got pregnant. From all the reading I've done though I had expected it to happen much later on (like maybe 5th or 6th month, or later??). Not WEEK 5! So - I have an appt with my endo this week. She's doing another a1c and tests - baselevel stuff see where I'm at now.
My fasting this morning was better than it has been in the last week, 116. Not stellar but not horrific either. I'm still a bit freaked by the idea that it's happening so soon. I never imagined I'd have to start insulin from the get go. Just goes to show you how amazingly powerful hormones are.
We scoff at PMS and make jokes about it must be 'hormones' almost as if PMS and some of the things women experience are hyped up, their affects hyped up. I must admit - I had a twinge of that myself, even KNOWING how much hormones affected my health with PCOS when things were going 'wrong'. I still made PMS jokes, and 'hormonal' jokes. Women aren't the weaker sex folks, let me tell you, if men went through the same hormonal changes that women go through every month and with pregnancy? There wouldn't be any 'PMS' jokes. There would be "PMS weeks" at work. ;) Ok a little bit of my femminism coming out of me lol (must be the hormones? heheh I'm KIDDING!) Sorry couldn't resist the joke, you have to poke fun at yourself from time to time ;)
Anyhow - I'm getting along. Making even more of an effort to get exercise in any form that I can in. Same with food. I even bought a deck of 'prenatal yoga flash cards'. And "What to expect when you're expecting". And a book for hubby. Hopefully not wasted money.
We're trying to decide about buying a house. Right now I think it's too much stress. Between the green card stuff, and not knowing the area too well. If it weren't for me being pg we wouldn't even be thinking about buying yet. So we both think it's best just to wait till things are a bit more settled.
Anyhow... our little bean will have dual citizenship we hope - U.S. and Canadian :)
*spew* When did this happen? Why was I not informed? Will you be naming it after me? CONGRATULATIONS!
I'm next, right? :-)
Congrats, I just caught up!
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