Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Back is doing much better

I'm still not 100% sure about this chiropractor - but we'll see.

He did fix the problem in my back (or I fixed myself) - icing and rest last night helped. I woke up this morning with next to no pain.

Still - I guess I'm less optimistic about my shoulder? How many sessions of 'intense corrective therapy' have I had in the last year and half since this started? (too many). I'm still left with this problem.

Basically he's saying pretty much the same thing the others have said. Neck too straight. Left hip is lower than right hip (hmm because my right leg is functionally longer than the other one?) Some chronic subluxation throughout.

I pretty much feel I'm a chiropractors dream patient. Adjust me and 2 seconds later I"m out of whack. I'm a veritable cash cow. So when he recommended the standard 3 sessions a week for 4 weeks and then tapering off - well I'm a bit skeptical.

I have the appt with the sports doc a 1/2 hour from here on May 3. I told him I wanted to wait to see what that doc said before I went full bore into another round of 'intense corrective care'.

Maybe he was offended - at this point I'm not nearly as concerned about it as I would have been in the past. I'm more concerned about getting answers and HELP and FIXING this problem once and for all.

This doc did hit some things that were probably very close to the truth - that pain and issues can come from stress - even emotional stress, job stress. And this stress is typically manifested as tired sore muscles and tension in the mid back and shoulder area. For the last year and a half - how much stress have I been under? A fair amount. I try and deal with it - but it's there non the less. I think I deal with it better than some folks do - but I wonder how much is still hanging around?

How much emotional stress from TTC'ing and worrying about PCOS. How much stress from our visa/work situation? How much stress just from the adjustment of living with Tim?

Maybe I focused on that part of what he was saying because I've been exploring the mind body connection again. Maybe I was more receptive to hearing at this point in time... I'm not sure..


Saph: yeah I think hubby being gone pushes me out of comfort zone - I miss him. HE brings a lot of schedule to my life too - lunch - dinner - going to bed at a more regular time. Not having him to cook for (or remind me that it's time to eat) -- all of tghat plays a part. I think it's easier for me to just not eat when he's not around - because I don't have those little reminders from him about what time of the day it is and the schedule we keep together etc. I'm not sure that my appetite levels itself are tied to him - but I"m not completely closed to that idea too. I'm moving in to the week before my period too - a time when my appetite seems to increase on it's own anyhow - so I'm not sure if that's a larger source for the appetite shift or not. Anyhow - thanks for the note :) I appreciated it!

Thanks to Everyone for their notes - you guys gave me support when I needed it most - very grateful for that!


At 2:51 PM, Blogger Mojo said...

Jael- darn it, just realized when reading at MIM that i did NOT have your blog in my favorites file that I try to get to daily. So sorry!

I think you are smart to have a doctor look at you before doing another round with the chiro.

Id write more but my cold is wearingme out faster than normal. Hang in there, hun.


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