Tuesday, April 26, 2005

I didn't tell you guys this... *laugh*

Last friday... when I was having such a hard day... I took out my wedding tiara (the one I made for myself).

I put it on. I figured I needed to remind myself that I deserve to treat myself like royalty. For one day at least - treat myself like a princess, act like a princess. As silly as it sounds - I think it helped me. The slight weight on my head reminded me that I was a better person than the thoughts I was allowing in my head, that I was strong, that I could withstand the pressure to do stupid things to achieve being 'thin'... reminded me of my ultimate goal - to be HEALTHY.

Silly but it seemed to work. It's still sitting on my desk at home. Reminding me daily of what I should be doing and how I should be treating myself.

(p.s. there's a wedding pic of me on my bbt chart - I'm wearing the tiara there)


At 11:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That makes perfect sense. I love doing stuff like that. I tend to take care of everyone around me and pay little attention to myself. It's really important to take that time to reflect on how great you are once in awhile :)

At 1:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

that's awesome! i love tiaras. :)

At 6:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That was a GREAT thing to do for yourself :) who says only little girls get to wear them ;) Plus it sounds like it gave you an emotional boost...hmmm I may have to swing by a toy store and see what they make that can fit my head ;)


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