Ahhh Spring
Spring always brings me alive... every part of me. I start wanting to plant seeds, and create. I become more focused on my weightloss and my goals in that arena. I'm even becoming more focused on the whole 'baby thing'. Feeling the itch to push my husband to finally schedule his SA (semen analysis for those non fertility focused people).
And CLEAN. I've been sick of the clutter in our place for months but I'm finally feeling the energy to tackle it.
I'm not sure what was up with the blogger yesterday but I had a devil of a time getting in here and then when I did I didn't want to post for fear of mucking something up, corrupting some file, or losing a post.
Anyhow I'm here now.
I was sick on the weekend. Stomach flu I think. I'm finally over it today (I think). Didn't work out yesterday but I will today, no excuse not to.
Weighed in at 231 lbs this morning. I'll have to change my ticker.
Found out another of my online TTC friends is preggers. So happy for her. :) Congratulations Jilly!!!
What else?
Oh. My parents make the cross from the Bahamas this week... positive thoughts and prayers for their saftey going out to them. I know they've done this for going on 7 years now, old pros at the crossing... but... as anyone who's lived by/on the sea knows - anything can happen. The sea is a pretty powerful mistress - prone to blindsighting fits of temper. Thankfully they are crossing with 2 other boats. There is a bit more saftey in #'s.
Prayers of peace and healing going out to my friend Angie and her mom. Her mom has had heart trouble and is undergoing open heart surgery. Her mom had a stroke and her docs now think she's blind. It's a tough thing for my friend... a friend who has enough health crosses to bear of her own (she's dealing with MS and all of the health issues that come with that... and more).
Rolling over my 401K account. This financial stuff makes me feel so incredibily stupid. I'm trying not to be so ignorant about all of this. Feels weird to know I have a sizable chunk of money in 401K and I'm just 5 years out of college. At least I have been smart enough to have been trying to sock away money into a 401K.
What else is on my mind?
Jewelry business. I need to put some more focus on it. Get that up and running. It's my dream, I've got to feed it to make it become a reality.
I actually do think I've been experiencing a depression. It never fails - this time of year I start to 'wake up' and I say to myself - I need to do something about this next year... and then summer comes and I forget all about the dark hibernation months... and then they deceptively sneak up on me... and I don't realize that I've been living in an emotional straight jacket and dark room with now walls for months - UNTIL spring comes around again.
This post almost sounds bipolar doesn't it???? Honestly. Doc has mentined SAD to me. I've suspected it for years. How much more obvious can it be to me? Yet I have not yet purchased a light lamp. Why? $$. Galls me to shell out that much for a LIGHT. Stupid of me really.
Anyhow - that's about it for now except for one last thing... I took a survey yesterday one of those silly ones.... thought I'd post it here:
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