10 days later...
:P and I'm finally here again updating.
1) we had company this weekend. I've spent a week or more cleaning.
2) I've got some jewelry orders to work on.
3) my gym is doing another 'challenge'. I won third place last year - I'm gonna give it a go again this year (DESPITE the shoulder thing). I'm in more pain now than I was then I think... but I need something to work towards. A definite start and end date.
In terms of 'trying'. Well honey and I have had a lot more 'fun' this month.. probably because I'm trying a lot more to just be laid back about it all. We thought about taking a break from trying to have a baby.... but ended up not actually doing anything to prevent. I didn't do opks this month. I've been temping but not religiously checking my cervical fluid and position etc. I think the lack of my announcements of 'guess what honey I have ewcm!' has helped some too. I think I may have ovulated on the weekend, but we'll see. My temps are lower than normal for post ovulation, but they were a bit lower pre-o too and the ambient temps around here lately have been below 0 F for weeks now.
Weight wise - overindulged in salty items this weekend - and some alchohol. So my weight is up this morning (no surprise there).
I did moderately well with workouts last week considering the cleaning and everything else that was going on. Of course no where NEAR what I was doing in both intensity and frequency when I was in my 'prime' last year. Or even earlier this year. But its a start. I have to keep working on doing things SLOWLY because one over step with the workouts and I'm sidelined with shoulder pain for days and days afterwards.
That's about it for now!
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