Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Ok - hope I got it!

I tried to fix the link to the live journal blog - hope it worked this time. Sorry about that!!

Update - I had another ultrasound on Monday. 11 weeks - can you believe it? Now I'm over halfway to 12 weeks - time is just zipping by it seems!

I'm gonna x-post from Making it Mine - cause I want to document my feelings somewhere so I have them (*just* in case all the lovely MIM girls get sick of me and kick me out of the club or soemthing - kidding! ... but you never know... lol must be the preg hormones talking!). No but seriously servers go down and posts get lost - I guess I wanted it in 2 places as 'back up'.

OB appt this morning. Blood sugars are doing good, doc is happy with those. Lost a few lbs so far - but doc isn't freaking. Neither am I. She said she wants me to gain 20 lbs max and won't freak out if I don't gain anything (given my current height/weight).

Had another ultrasound. Simply amazing! Little arms legs, hands, feet, jaw face - awesome. Little bean was rolling around and moving arms and legs and kicking! It was sooooo coool to see that. Seeing something like a baby made it SO much more real to me. Amazing and overwhelming at the same time!!

I left the office thanking God that I had never been faced with any hard choices earlier in my life. I don't think I would have ever chose abortion for myself, (but I know that when you're in a situation the whole world changes - and I couldn't possible know FOR SURE unless I was actually in that position myself). I have had friends who have chose to abort and I totally understand and support their choice. I thanked God too that I live in a part of the world where women DO have choices. What priviledges we have! We're so lucky as women to have been born in North America, we are already blessed just by that fact alone (Okay - maybe a bit too much Oprah watching lately! lol sorry!).

But I have to say it was an overwhelming thing - seeing that life in me. A small child growing. AMAZING! I walked out of the OB appointment thanking God for the my path so far up to this point, for all the things that he kept me safe from, for everything that I've gone through (yes even the heartbreak of PCOS and possible infertility). Everything I've gone through is what makes me who I am, and why I'm going to strive to be the best mom that I can be.

I wanted to say too - no matter what choices you all have made in your lives - I support you so please don't think this was an anti-abortion diatribe - I could have easily found myself having to make that incredibly, unbelievably hard decision myself at one point in my past (when I wasn't ready for a baby). So no judgement from me, AT ALL. It's a choice - and I'm so grateful we all have that choice! I just wanted to share some of the emotions and thoughts that were going through my noggin and heart today


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