Migraine ... WEEE! *grumble*
Mondo mondo migraine last night. Bad enough I almost caved and got Tim to take me to emergency to get some DRUGS. I did take my prescrip migraine drugs (zomig) and it DID take the edge off but MAN. It was a doozy last night. One of the worst ones I've had in a long time.
I was suuuuper sensitive to light last night and even this morning too. I've had the lights off and the blinds closed for most of the day today.. it's slowly easing up now though. I had to laugh. I walked into the living room last night in search of my meds and it was like the whole place was lit up. Except all the lights were off and the ONLY light in the room was from the LED's of our computer monitors and computers. FREAKY. And of course all the lights had halos.
I should have known too. I was soooo craving dark chocolate last night. Now the craving on it's own is not remarkable but when it gets SO bad that I cave in to the cravings. I caved last night and ate 2. 2 mini chocolates not a big deal really, in the grand scheme of things. But it's small shit like this, that I tend to beat myself up on.
Still - I sat most of the day on my exercise ball and danced around the apartment some. I know it's not a LOT but I'll count it as 'something'.
The end result is, despite my new energy, I'm still struggling. This is be expected. I can't just pick up and *boom* be back to doing 3 weight workouts, 3 cardio sessions, PLUS yoga, plus walking, plus meal planning and EXECUTION again just like that *snap of the fingers*. It will take time to get back to that point.
And despite everything - I still continue to 'eat healthy', and do it pretty consistently. Is it 5-6 small meals a day? Nope. It's about 3 - small to moderate meals a day. When I'm out and have to eat out - I still make 'healthy' choices. My guilty snacks these days are fruit. Most people would say hay ... fruit is GOOD. And in general I agree, but there was a time when eating canned pineapple was a HUUUUUGE no-no for me.
So the conclusion? In the grand scheme of things compared to other people I'm doing pretty well. Is it enough for me to lose weight? nope. But I know that, I've accepted that. I think though that I've gotten to a point where if I do manage to get back into full swing like I was before that I'll see some good losses because my body has gotten used to this 'semi-lazy' stuff. AT least - I'm holding on to that hope like a drowning person to a life raft. heh.
Parting thoughts: Took a personal test today - not bad. I think in general it's accurate - except for the organized part. I don't know how organized I am. I WANT to be organized, but the state of my house would be proof otherwise. ;)
Hmm I had to change their 'code' that they gave cause it's mucking up my side panels on my blog...
Advanced Global Personality Test Results | ||
Extraversion | |||||||||||||||| | 63% |
Stability | |||||||||||||| | 60% |
Orderliness | |||||||||||||| | 60% |
Empathy | |||||||||||||| | 56% |
Interdependence | |||||||||| | 36% |
Intellectual | |||||||||||||||| | 63% |
Mystical | |||||||||| | 36% |
Artistic | |||||||||||||||||||| | 83% |
Religious | |||||||||||||||||| | 76% |
Hedonism | |||| | 16% |
Materialism | |||||||||| | 36% |
Narcissism | |||||||||| | 36% |
Adventurousness | |||||||||||||||| | 70% |
Work ethic | |||||||||||||| | 56% |
Self absorbed | |||||||||||| | 50% |
Conflict seeking | |||||||||| | 36% |
Need to dominate | |||||||||||| | 43% |
Romantic | |||||||||||| | 43% |
Avoidant | |||| | 16% |
Anti-authority | |||||| | 30% |
Wealth | |||||||||| | 36% |
Dependency | |||||||||||| | 50% |
Change averse | |||||||||||| | 43% |
Cautiousness | |||||||||||||||| | 63% |
Individuality | |||||||||||||||| | 70% |
Sexuality | |||||||||||| | 50% |
Peter pan complex | |||| | 16% |
Physical security | |||||||||||||||||||| | 90% |
Food indulgent | |||||||||||||||| | 63% |
Histrionic | |||||| | 23% |
Paranoia | |||||||||| | 36% |
Vanity | |||||||||||| | 43% |
Hypersensitivity | |||||||||||||||||| | 76% |
Female cliche | |||||||||||||||| | 70% |
Take Free Advanced Global Personality Test
personality tests by similarminds.com
Stability results were moderately high which suggests you are relaxed, calm, secure, and optimistic.
Orderliness results were moderately high which suggests you are, at times, overly organized, reliable, neat, and hard working at the expense of flexibility, efficiency, spontaneity, and fun.
Extraversion results were moderately high which suggests you are, at times, overly talkative, outgoing, sociable and interacting at the expense of developing your own individual interests and internally based identity.
trait snapshot:
expressive, open, self revealing, loves large parties, loud, social, outgoing, does not like social isolation, assertive, social chameleon, positive, always busy, likes to fit in, likes to stand out, enjoys leadership, brutally honest, trusting, optimistic, desires attention, dominant, aggressive, attachment prone, wants to be understood, realistic
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