He's Here!!
Zachary was born at 2:19 am on December 30th. He weighed 9 lbs and 0.2 oz (so 9 lbs). He is 22 inches long (long baby!)
I'll give more details later but suffice to say - we are home and he is healthy for the most part.
After a long birth I thought the hard part was over, but the hard part was about to begin. At around 4 in the afternoon on the 30th, Zach's pediatrition came to us with bad news. They thought that the vessels leading to his heart were reversed. Scary time for us as he was intubated and transported to the NICU. We couldn't ride in the abulance with him. He would have been chopper vac'ed if it weren't for the bad weather (snow storm wouldn't ya know it?).
On our drive down to the NICU we got word from the cariologist. He did have a problem with his heart but it wasn't nearly as serious as they thought it was.
He has an ASD - or an atrial septum defect. Basically there is a hole between the two upper chambers of his heart. He's healthy for now but as he gets older and bigger it will put more stress on his heart. If the hole doesn't close on it's own (and it does in some cases) he will need to have surgery. Apparently this is a very common birth defect. It's nothing I did, or didn't do, it just happens. It's also one of the easiest heart defects to correct.
So it's been a rough go of it for me. After a rather uneventful pregnancy I guess little Zach decided he needed to make a 'splash' into his parents world!
He is healthy and pink and you'd never know that he wasn't absolutely perfect. I love him so much already it's incredible!
I have a webpage up with pics for anyone who would like to see him. He is my world now!
Welcome to the world baby Zachary!!
Omg he's the cutest thing ever! I just want to smooch him!
I'm sorry about his heart :( I'm so glad you are being positive and not blaming yourself, as mothers its so easy for us to take blame for any problems our children have. I hope it closes on its own, I'll be thinking of him *hugs*
What a gorgeous family you have!
Thanks Sarah :) I think part of myself feels guilty - wondering if if I DID do something wrong, it's hard to get away from that. I'm trying to listen to the docs though and not blame myself.
*yawn* I wonder when I'm going to sleep a full 6 hours again? lol!
When he moves out ;) lol
I'm so happy you have your little boy!
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