Tuesday, November 22, 2005

33 week appointment - meh *shrug*

So I had my first NST. Nothing too awful there, I brought a book with me to read so I wouldn't be bored. Funny but the baby kicked and punched at the monitors, and moved away from the u/s probe measuring his heart beat almost immediately. Makes me wonder how loud it is when they strap those monitors on and do ultrasounds.... Anyhow Doc kept me waiting a bit - but again I had my book so no biggie.

I'm not in a 'rush around' mood today anyhow so I was content to sit in peace and quiet and read my book.

My blood pressure was back down a bit 120/80. No weight gain, lost a lb even but I personally think it was just lighter clothing today. (I go more by my scale anyhow since I can weigh nekkid and there isn't the variability of clothes weight etc).

FH measurement was 39 Weeks. Doc is of course still concerned about the babies size. I see this as no biggie as when I saw him last week it was 38 weeks and now a week later I'm measuring 39 weeks, 1 week's growth for 1 week's time period. Now last week at 32 weeks measuring 38 weeks - yah that was a bit of a jump. I went from measuring 2-3 weeks ahead (fundal height) to measuring 6 weeks ahead. Big jump there. But now I think the baby has slowed down some - and is gaining appropriately.

To be honest I can't help but wonder how much my lower belly 'fluff' adds to the measurement as well, and whether or not the doc is subconsiously measuring me larger just because I have the label 'diabetic'. I mean - my blood sugars went up into the 130's & a few 140's for about 2.5 weeks there, but now this past week they've been back down under target (for 2 post prandial). I'm pretty much (on average) keeping my sugars at or below what a person WITHOUT insulin issues would be at. Seriously though - I'm curious... if I walked into a different docs office, who had no idea of my past history and they just took a fundal height measurement - what would it be? It seems it's such a subjective measurment.

Anyhow - the end result is another ultrasound early in December, and continued weekly NST's.

This chart shows the levels that the American Diabetes Association considers abnormal at each interval of the test:

IntervalAbnormal reading
Fasting95 mg/dl or higher
One-hour180 mg/dl or higher
Two-hour155 mg/dl or higher
Three-hour140 mg/dl or higher

So according to that my 'bad' readings wouldn't even fail me for the 3 hour GTT.


At 12:03 AM, Blogger Mojo said...

Jael! Email me your address. I have a gift for your baby!



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