Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Feeling more relaxed today

Thanks to everyone who noted me.... Sarah and Janeen on the dopplar, and Mae on the shoes ;)

I guess I'm still a bit self conscious of my body... I so desparately want to look pregnant and not just FAT. The dopplar unit the doc used was a handheld one. She had a student/intern with her so I'm guessing it was a 'training' thing... but you know I would have expected better equip from the Mayo clinic! Who knows.

Not sure about the placenta - so far the only thing the tech's have said is that the baby implanted right at the fundus of the uterus. Textbook implantation lol - about the only thing my body has done 'textbook' style *laugh*

It was raining this morning so I copped out of my morning walk and opted for some extra zz's. I feel a bit guilty about that, but at the same time I know I need my rest now... and to sleep now cause I may not be able to after January! *laugh*


More pinching pains last night.... not sure if it was the Bean or not. Maybe? Maybe I'm still just feeling the uterus stretch etc. I'm feeling much more relaxed after the ultrasound and seeing the bean in there moving around and the heart beating just fine. It's given me a bit more patience to just wait - I'm hoping I will *KNOW* when I feel it. And maybe getting to that 'no doubt' stage will take a while - and baby growing some more.


I'll be announcing my pregnancy at work next week. Little nervous about that, but not really. I think I'm far enough along now that it's safe to make it 'official' by announcing it.

Of course work wants me to give them dates for my maternity leave. I think to myself "Oh yah - because I'm psychic and I know EXACTLY when the baby is going to come.... and as everyone knows baby's always come on their due dates" *note sarcasm*

They don't need this info until a month before I'm taking time off... so lots of time, but STILL.

It's a wierd situation because the customer I'm consulting at is much more laid back about these types of things... yet the company I work for is the one getting all freaky about dates. Doesn't the customer know best? *laugh*


Big Hi to Mae!!! Neat that you found your way over here from Sarah's blog - I'll mosey over to your blog in a sec after I finish the entry - but to answer your questions.... I'd be totally thrilled with either. It's our first so there is a clean slate. I think I'm leaning more towards a boy - carry on Dh's family name that kind of thing... but a little girl would be SOOOOO much fun too. The first girl grandbaby in our family too - and that would tickle my parents pink as well :D

I'm happy with either though - I really don't feel like I'll be disappointed either way... after trying for a while and having PCOS and not knowing if I'd even be able to have my own kids - it was just a major relief and amazing blessing to get pregnant at all!


Back to frivolous things - purses and shooooeeeessssss! - I have a tonne of other purses (lol just ask my husband) but in the past I'd always gotten cute (but cheap) purses - but they'd fall apart in a year or so. So I've really changed my thinking to get less 'super trendy' and more classic and long lasting purses.

I still have a few of those. Purses that I bought to go with a specific outfit etc. I've recently gotten into higher quality (usually designer) stuff. I can't stomach paying full price for it though, which is why I love this TJMaxx store... now I know not all of the TJMaxx stores are as good as this one... but still FUN! I'm a sale whore for sure! Now - I have to point out that I do'nt buy something solely because of the name on it. For example - I refuse to buy a fabric purse for an exorbitant price - regardless of the designer name on it. I love leather, leather lasts, it wears well, it cleans up easily.

I'll have to take pics to post ;)


At 3:07 PM, Blogger Sarah said...

I was the same happy with either sex though the first time I was honestly hoping for a boy cause, well, I'd always dreamed of having little boy :) Now that I got the girl too, they are so much fun (so far ;))!


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