I'm still alive
Moving was and still is a pain in the ass. We've got most of the stuff switched over though. However, unpacking the sea of boxes continues. :P
Did I post the pic of the baby's last ultrasound? Not sure if I did or not
So here it is:

Isn't that nose CUTE!! I love looking at that pic. I hope I get a new one today.
Speaking of today- I've been nervous for the last few weeks... a few of my pregnant buddies online at the same stage as me are reporting feeling their baby move - the whole 'butterfly' thing. I've felt nothing. That is up until Saturday. Saturday I had a few wierd feelings in my stomach. Except they didn't feel like butterflies... they felt more like pinching - from the inside? Not really painful, just slightly uncomfortable. It didn't feel like gas? But at the same time I got them about an hour or so after eating tacos lol, and this morning after eating breakfast. So I don't know - maybe it IS just gas?
I'll mention it to the doc.
I know it's paranoid and I'm worrying uneccessarily but I've felt weird and worried in the last few weeks. I've had a few higher blood sugar readings with some poorer nutrition choices (a by product of moving and limited kitchen access)... and it's worried me. Like "what if I've killed my baby!" or "What I've done brain damage!?" - I know my highs haven't been atrociously high (ranging from 160-190) but they're HIGH for me. And with my nausea disappearing and my breasts becoming less sore - I've lost that 'pregnant' feeling. I still haven't seen any major changes in my stomach. However on the weekend I did discover that my lower belly area just below my navel is becoming harder and firmer to the touch. So maybe the baby and uterus is still expanding underneath my layer of whale blubber a small reassurance that everything is still all right in there. Like I said - I know I'm probably just being paranoid and worrying uneccessarily - and while I'm nervous about the appt today - I think it will reassure me too.
That lower part of my belly (and thighs and butt) are the major places that I gain weight. I've had that 'buddha pouch" like since FOREVER. I've always hated it. Even now I hate it because if I was more uniform in my fat distribution (or *ahem* had less fat overall - I can wish!)... I know I'd be seeing changes in my abdomen sooner.
I think the combo of everything, the move, losing my morning sickness, and no huge changes in my belly yet, and not feeilng the baby move - well they're all making me nervous.
Which in turn makes me nervous about this appt. I do hope the doc does an ultrasound. It would be really comforting to know that "The Bean" is still in there and wriggling around.
At 15 weeks preg the baby is now around 4 to 4.5 inches long. That blows me away... that something that big could be in there and I'd still not feel it... this whole process of growing a new life inside of yourself is totally and completely mind blowing. It truly awes me, and for once in my life I'm truly glad to be a woman. This is something a man can never truly experience or comprehend... something that is unique to women, and only to women. I'm not some huge feminist or anything but man there really are times when being a woman is a disadvantage in this world. This is definitely NOT one of those times.
I'm hoping with the move mostly behind us I can get back into a regular workout schedule, even if it's just walks in the morning, and hopefully yoga every morning... I know my body could use it. I'm getting winded walking up stairs again... and I can't tell if it's just the pregnancy, or if it's me getting majorly out of shape. It's probably a little of both.
I haven't really gained any weight from what I can tell. I think I've lost some more muscle and it's been replaced by fat - esp on my legs and ass. i'm guessing I may have gained a few lbs since my last appt. That's fine if I did. It would be mostly baby and amniotic fluid I think (aside from the shift in body composition due to inactivity). I haven't weighed myself since before the move - so I have no idea if I've really gained a lot or not. This afternoons appt should be informative lol.
I know my prepreg jeans are still fiting me. A few shorts from last summer are too snug to be comfy when sitting down (pushing on the belly)... but they would have been snug with the weight I gained at the end of last summer anyhow.
Not much else to say... maybe a post later today after the docs appt.
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