I still haven't O'd
For those of you NOT in the TTC world - O'd means ovulated. So yes - I still haven't ovulated. Now it's down to the wire - will I O before my hubby leaves on work Tuesday? Anyone wanna lay bets? I lay odds that the darn little eggie pops out late. Aren't I always late for everything?
I added a link to the side bar to my FertilityFriend.com basal body temp chart. Again only those of you in the overdrive obsessed TTC world will know what a BBT chart is. :) Ok ok - some of the non-obsessed will know too. ;)
This is cycle #7 for us. Not long for a lot of people really. Most people have to try for a year before their doctors will even talk to them. I'm one of the "fortunate" ones who was diagnosed with PCOS before we started trying to have a little squirming one. See the doctors already know that I'm TTC disabled. So I get a 'get out jail free' pass - yay! I'm being sarcastic of course. No part of PCOS or infertility is fun. I have to crack assinine jokes though to keep my sanity about all of this. Seriously though I know that 7 cycles is nothing compared to what some couples do before being able to even START testing. It seems like an eternity to me sometimes. Actually I reached eternity last cycle. This cycle I seem to be in some kind of star wars hyper sleep - like I've been carbonized alongside of Hans Solo. I'm not feeling much of anything really. Its like I'm numb almost - floating along each chart day barely noticing the passing of days. That is - until I hit OPK time. There's nothing like making a woman pee on a stick repeatedly for days waiting until that second line gets magically darker. Imagine putting a race horse in a starting stall for DAYS... with all kinds of sounds that SOUND like the 'go bell' but not quite. What kind of sick MF would do that? *chuckle* Yet I've been doing this to myself every day for almost a week now. My body is gearing up for o - has been for a whole week now. And I'm just peeing on opk sticks like a madwoman - just WAITING for the starting gun and the gates to open.
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