Thursday, November 03, 2005

Quick update

Well I've severely neglected this blog!

Things are going well for me. My blood sugars continue to do well, although I think in the next few weeks we'll be adding in a fast acting insulin injection to my regimen.

I've had 2 HbA1c's (to measure average blood sugar) during this pregnancy, they were both 5.1 - VERY good.

I almost feel bad ... I hear so many women complain about pregnancy, and to be honest? I think I've had it pretty easy. The nausea in the first trimester wasn't fun at all and I struggled a lot with that (since throwing up severely mucks up my blood sugars and it would have been so nice to give in and throw up and feel better!). But even that wasn't that bad. Either that or everyone else is a wimp! ;)

Second trimester was great, I felt frustrated that my belly wasn't popping. I wanted so DESPARATELY to look pregnant. After trying for a year, not knowing if we could get pregnant or not... I'd finally achieved my goal... and here I was not looking pregnant!

Somewhere around 27-28 weeks I started actually looking pregnant. Of course I wore maternity tops that emphasized this. *chuckle*
Now at 30 weeks, there really is no hiding it. I suppose some folks might still glance at me and wonder if I was just fat or if I was pregnant, but MOST people will clue in to it.

So far baby isn't measuring too big, but I have another ultrasound next week to check to make sure. M belly on the other hand IS measuring big from time to time. I don't think I'll ever put much stock into fundal height measurements after this pregnancy. With the last ultrasound baby was measuring only a week ahead but that particular week my belly was measuring FIVE weeks ahead. Big discrepancy there. Even the ultrasound estimates can be off.

I also scheduled a 4-D ultrasound on Monday :) It's a lot of $$ but I really WANT to do it. The pictures are so neat! PLUS my parents should still be here then so they can come along and be a part of it! Yay! :)

My parents arrive tonight - ACK! - so much to clean! BUT I know if I don't get it done they won't mind. They're here to see me, my expanding belly, and hubby and not to check up on my housekeeping skills (which these days are severely remiss).

Energywise - I'm getting more and more tired. Mostly because I'm not sleeping well. It's getting harder to get comfy and STAY asleep. Either my bladder or the babies kicks are keeping me awake.

My latest fascination involves staring at my belly and watching the baby roll, move, kick, wiggle... it's amazing to watch. My own little alien movie theatre ;) I think the best thing about it is that now everyone else can SEE the baby move. Tim has been able to feel the baby move for many weeks now, but now you can SEE it. It's visible proof that I'm pregnant and not just fat. Sounds silly to say that, but it's important to me. I should probably spend some time exploring why I'm so focused on making sure people know I'm PREGNANT and not fat.... but I'm sure it's tied up in body image and the 3 years I spent trying to lose the fat so I could get pregnant. ;) See I guess I HAVE thought about it! *laugh*

Anyhow - I have to get back to work, and then frantically clean up the house a bit!

p.s. I had to limit comments to registered users only because I was getting spam comments on older entries :/ Hopefully I can open it back up again in a bit.


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